The UK Single Story of EU Migration

It is argued that EU workers undermine the existing terms and conditions in Britain, by working longer hours or for less than the minimum wage. Instead of scapegoating EU migrant workers, dealing with unlawful practices by UK employers would seem more reasonable

Over the past six months I have watched British Prime Minister David Cameron get more and more desperate as he argues and loses the debates on EU migration and EU integration. I do not want to be in the man’s shoes especially as a general election looms. The points of his arguments on both matters have been largely incoherent, sometimes simplistic and populist yet he has not managed to sway the massive number of conservative voters in their exodus to the nationalist party, UKIP.

Let me tell you what I know about the Prime Minister’s arguments that appear credible. I know a very good number of Anglophone sub-Saharan African migrants in mainland Europe, who relocate to the United Kingdom as soon as they naturalize and hold the EU citizenship. The pull factor for these migrants is not the UK social security. It is the language, English and the ease it offers them to retrain or further their studies and go ahead to secure gainful employment. So when I watch David Cameron and his agents on tele telling the world that the migrants are there to drain the social security purse, I node in disagreement because I know it is untrue.

This morning, I read a new study by the Oxford Institute of Social Policy which in very few words has debunked the Cameron public purse drain myth. The study tells us that it is “plausible that the contributions by EU migrant citizens outweigh the cost, as they tend to be younger than the average British citizen. Moreover, the NHS has directly benefited from intra-EU migration, as the significant domestic skill shortage was partially compensated for by EU immigration. British pensioners in receipt of a state pension abroad, posted workers, and temporary visitors to other Member States who hold an European Health Insurance Card receive healthcare on the same terms as nationals from the “host” Member State, which can then seek reimbursement…” Read the report here


One thought on “The UK Single Story of EU Migration”

  1. Interior Department officials stressed that they have worked with the environmental groups and First Solar to address most of the concerns. The overall footprint of the project, originally planned to include 19,000 acres, was decreased to 4,144 to lessen its impact. Additionally, the BLM is requiring the firm to provide funding for acquisition and enhancement of more than 7,500 acres of suitable habitat elsewhere for the desert tortoise and other sensitive wildlife species.Since the signal drops were sporadic, he most likely tested at a moment they were connected which could have lasted anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour however if whomever was assigned to this trouble call wasn’t thorough imo because just shooting the line on one side and not the other is a waste of time. It’s like going out on a Line Drop trouble needing to replace the drop and only putting up a single pair instead of thinking about anyone coming after you. I always put up either a dbl pair or six pair drop when needing to replace bad cable wire.

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